Improve Your Tire Economy
As products are distributed to a higher degree across the nation, there are now more trucks than ever frequenting our highways. Even though tires are only a small cost of the whole equation of getting goods to our stores, they are an item that wears out over time. The tire wear is a function of several factors, in optimal conditions the wear is very low and the tires will last a long time. With increased load the wear will increase and especially if you have the wrong tires or a low quality tire mounted on your rig. Below we will look at how you can improve the tire economy of your fleet without impacting the safety. Considering a long haul truck can easily have 18 heavy truck tires mounted on them, there will be a lot of tires to change as they wear out. The tire wear will increase as well if they are not well maintained. A big cause of high tire wear is under-inflation of the tire. Under-inflation can damage the casing of the tire, if the tire has been severely under-infla...